Poems by

Colleen Abel,"Blowboats" &"The Dames Aflame"
Grant Adams, "Beginning to End"
Antler, " Home, Sweet Home"
Judith Arcana, "All That We Do Here"
Jane-Marie Bahr, "While I Mourn"
James Babbs, "What Happened to the Future"
Judy Barisonzi, "The Center of the Universe"
Ruth Bavetta, "Settling Accounts"
Lauren Berry, "The Year My Mother and I Mistook the Pool for a Father"
Todd Boss, "In Rings"
Joseph Briggs, "Calculation"
John L. Campbell, "Prowling in Produce"
Cyrus Campen, "wind across the wire"
Lisa Cihlar, "Ursa Major"
Barbara Crooker, "Blackberries" & "Goddesses"
Philip Dacey, "Miniatures, a Quintet"&" New York Postcard Sonnet #64"
Bruce Dethlefsen, "Sixty-one"
Alixa Doom, "Night Poem for Carrie"
Karl Elder, "Air Lock"
Araceli Esparza, "What Do I Want?"
Yvonne M. Estrada, "Throw Away The Key"
Fabu, "Living Herstory"
Susan Firer, "Silly Little City I Live and Love In" & "Weather, You Are My Husband Now"
ed galing, "Child of New York East Side"
Russell Gardner, "Edgeworks Number 1."
Jim Hazard, "They Called Her Birdie" & "Indiana Spring,1946"
Merle Hazard, "Backyard Repast"
Jeanette Hinds, "What Angels Leave"
Edward Hirsch, "Looking for the Past"
Jason Huff, "Marion"
Jerry Hauser, "Physical Comedy"
Karla Huston, "Classic Superheroes of My Childhood" & "Theory of Lipstick"
Joan Wiesse Johannes, "Courting Disaster of Biblical Proportion" & "The Firemen have Left Your Mother’s Apartment"
Halvard Johnson, "Sonnet: Milwaukee, City of Rumors" & "Say No More"
Gary Jones, "Elegy"
Muriel Karr, "She Bargains"
William Keener, "Disarm Your Doors"
Michael Kriesel, "Hidden Snow" & "Following Each Other"
Peg Lauber, "The Caterer"
Emilie Lindemann, "Corporate Macaroni Code" & "On Your Day Off"
Sandra Lindow, "The Long Ride"
Ellaraine Lockie, "Earthworms in My Hand "
Jolieth McIntosh, "Christmas Sunday in Church with My Father"
Susan McLean, "Uncut"
Richard Merelman, "How I Think "
Corey Mesler, "Why I am a Painter"
Richard W. Moyer "Deliverance"
John Murillo, "Practicing Fade-Aways"
Ralph Murre, "Here’s What He Said" & "The Way the Light Shines"
Maurice Oliver, "Adrenal Glands, After A Spring Shower" & "Muse Sick"
Ann Penton, "Sensory Intervention"
Andrea Potos, "When Asked Why Do I Always Have to Leave the Country and Cross the Ocean When I Travel"
Nancy Reddy, "Harriet Street Elegy"
Nydia Rojas, "A Sunday Walk At Indian Lake Park"
Tess Romei, "Candlelight Hike at Pike Lake"
Lester Smith, "Roman Holiday" & "Tom Thumb"
Bruce Taylor,"In Class Exercise," "Our Body "& "The Telling of It"
Marilyn Taylor, "Any Constellation"
Jeanie Tomasko, "Birdfeeder Rights" & "A Hundred Flutes "
Tim Walsh, "The Secret of Salami"
Marilyn Windau,"Pillar History"
Mark Zimmermann, "Anastasia Romanov," "Sir John Falstaff" & "Phineas T. Barnum"

