The Valise


an attitude, on barre
stir.  and departure

in fancy, fet.  and, thrall.
the variation.  going on.

passive.  impassive.
in fancy, fet.

in midst and fit.
the asking after epitomes.

the asking, this is reference
this is addition by another hand.

this is constancy.  and index.
this is saving presence.

this is presence.  and remains
this is addition by another hand.


the grace, is to the simple soul

dittany at ear, to hear.  an eye to see
in psalm,

and in appearance of necessity.
the addition by another hand.

this is talking in accents,
the asking after epitomes.

this is attitude, on barre.
stir.  and departure.

the exercise of content.
in Octave.  in disposition.

in psalm,
remains the mentioning.  in absence

—Gregory Vincent St. Thomasino, Brooklyn Heights, NY

